Monday, February 16, 2009

Exciting News!!

For those who don't know, we are expecting a new little addition to our family in July. We are very excited and had the opportunity to go and have an ultrasound today. Talk about never drinking that much water again. . . Never, never, never. Anyway, we finally got put in the room and it had a tv on the wall so I could see everything without crinking my neck at the monitor. I am so amazed at technology these days and the images you can see. It was a relief to see and hear the heart beating. That part always scares me. The baby had perfect toes and hands and it was moving all over the place. Brody kept looking at the tv saying baby. . . it was very cute. The baby was camera shy and didn't want us to see it's face or a profile of it so we just got pictures of the back of it's head. The lady asked us if we wanted to know what the sex of the baby was so we said yes. She got a great picture of the legs and bottom area and you could defiantly tell it was a little. . .
We were excited and a little surprised, but very excited to know that the baby is healthy and growing just fine. We can't wait for July to get here so that we can welcome home our precious baby boy.


Hayden Funny Farm said...

Congrats! I'm soooo exicted for you. Your life was always filled with boyz! It looks like it is going to continue! Raini :)

Pam said...

Heeellloooo...why am I hearing this for the first time on your blog??? Don't sisters get some priviledges??? That is so exciting though! Now Brody will have someone to wrestle with. No hairbows for you yet...does that make you breath easier :)

Helen said...

Congratulations you guys! We are so happy for you! We loved having two girls first. They are the best of friends. Jason always threatened that if the 3rd was a girl, he'd move out! ;-) Hope you are well!

stephanie said...

Robynn, This is Stephanie (Hebdon). I found your blog through Camey's. Oh it has been too long! Your little family is beautiful. Congratulations on your pregnancy. And Arizona huh! We lived in Vegas for four years, and I really miss it! Especially in the winter. :) It was so fun to see what you are up to. I'm glad things are going so well. We have a blog too. If you are interested in checking it out, email me at and I will send you an invite.
Stephanie (Hebdon) Bare