Monday, June 15, 2009

This can't be happening.

Wow, it's been a long time. We haven't had much excitement to write about until yesterday!! Our family had a "I can't believe that happened" and "I just want to die" moment at church yesterday. It's 2 pm and we are just getting out of church. James is chatting with a friend in the foyer, Brody is playing by the front door, and I step away for a second to get a tithing slip. As I'm walking back towards James I hear this really really loud ringing sound going throughout the whole church. That sounds kind of like a fire alarm. I look over at Brody and sure enough he has stuck his little hand up the glass and pulled the fire alarm down. Talk about wanting to die right then and there. . . I run over to Brody and pull him away hoping not too many people saw what happened. At this point I am beside myself and have no idea what we are supposed to do. I don't know how to turn the thing off, or who we should talk to. All James can do is laugh like it was the funniest thing ever and Brody has no idea what drama he has created and walking around without a care in the world.
All of a sudden the foyer is full of people coming out of the chapel because their sacrament meeting was being disturbed. I grab Brody and head outside horrified at what was happening telling myself this was just a bad dream. I watched as people filed in their cars and left to go home while others stood around on the lawn wondering what to do. By the time James and I left a fire truck was there and over a hundred people were outside. We had talked to our bishop and he said not to worry about it so that made me feel better. I think I was finally able to laugh about the whole ordeal by the time we got home.
I hope to never have that happen again, and keep wondering why fire alarms are put at a level that a two year old can reach them. Someone didn't think that one through!!! : )


liz said...

TOO FUNNY!!! Oh Robynn, I am so glad that you have a full blown toddler too: ) I haven't had that happen yet, and hopefully never do: ) Have you started potty training? Ok, I should e-mail u that one: ) Anyways, i am thinking that could create some fun situations: ) Hope you and your family and baby in the belly are all doing great!!!

Teresa Davidson said...

That story of Brody totally made my day! One day you will look back at this and laugh. Why do they even have those fire alarm boxes in reach of children? Its a wonder it doesn't happen more often!

Brookie P. said...

Oh my heck! That is too funny. Will he come pull it at our chruch so we can get out early? He is for sure Slades baby! We miss you guys and would love to see you! Call us when you are in town!

Erin said...

oh my gosh that is so funny! I would have done the same thing, just run:) hahaha When are you due again? I'm sorry I have a horrible memory!!

Kelly and Brittany said...

i love it! I can just picture the whole thing and it's great. How are you doing? we haven't talked forever!! I'll be a better friend and call you more!

Krystell said...

LOL!! Oh my goodness Robynn!! I laughed my head off reading that! What a horrible, but funny experience. Definitely a memory that will never be forgotten!!

stephanie said...

Wow Robynn! I can't believe that happened. And because it didn't happen to me...I can laugh so hard about it! :) Crazy! I probably would have ran too. Serves them right for putting the fire alarms within reach of little hands.