Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brody's favorite thing!

Brody has a couple of loves, cars, blankets, and the mini dvd player. He is a fanatic when it comes to the dvd player. He knows how to plug it into the wall, put the cord in the right spot, plug the head phones in, and turn it on. He is a very smart little boy. Brody insists on having the headphones on when he starts watching which is funny to me because they are way to big, but he loves it. I think he just wants to be like his dad!!

1 comment:

Hayden Funny Farm said...

He is a cutie! It's so crazy how they grow up so fast. Heck I can't believe we are having kids. I love to see your posts, you need to do more! I'm one to talk! Luv ya, Raini