Monday, February 16, 2009

Exciting News!!

For those who don't know, we are expecting a new little addition to our family in July. We are very excited and had the opportunity to go and have an ultrasound today. Talk about never drinking that much water again. . . Never, never, never. Anyway, we finally got put in the room and it had a tv on the wall so I could see everything without crinking my neck at the monitor. I am so amazed at technology these days and the images you can see. It was a relief to see and hear the heart beating. That part always scares me. The baby had perfect toes and hands and it was moving all over the place. Brody kept looking at the tv saying baby. . . it was very cute. The baby was camera shy and didn't want us to see it's face or a profile of it so we just got pictures of the back of it's head. The lady asked us if we wanted to know what the sex of the baby was so we said yes. She got a great picture of the legs and bottom area and you could defiantly tell it was a little. . .
We were excited and a little surprised, but very excited to know that the baby is healthy and growing just fine. We can't wait for July to get here so that we can welcome home our precious baby boy.

Birthday Boy

On January 21st our little boy turned 2 years old. I can't believe how time flies when you have a little one. He had a fun filled day at the park feeding ducks and hanging out on the toys. We had a little bar-b-que and family party for Brody to celebrate his big day. He had a great time opening presents which he did all by himself this time. We started with clothes because once he got to the toys he didn't care about any thing else. I made a super duper easy cake out of a dump truck which he loved. (Thanks Raquel for the idea) He almost dumped the cake out wanting to play with the truck, but we caught it in time. It turned out to be a great day and Brody was happy. . . mission accomplished. We are so grateful to have family around to share these special times with. These are just a few pics of our birthday boy at his party. (thanks Pam for the pictures!!)

Brody's b-day cake!

Eating cake with cousins!
Brody had big smiles for the camera.

Brody opening presents w/cousin Jerom

Brody blowing out the candles.

Monday, February 2, 2009

UT Trip

Our trip to UT was fantastic! We had so much fun seeing family and friends. We began our trip from Arizona at 70 degrees and landed in 20-30 degree weather in SLC. I thought I would freeze right off, but it wasn't so bad. We spent a couple of days in Draper and got to visit with my mom and sister there. Both have very beautiful homes so it was fun to see all the work they had put into them. Draper is a nice place, but extremely windy.
Our next stop was Logan where we got to stay with Raquel's family, hang-out with Mindy's fam., and see some of our friends. During our stay in Logan we attended a wedding for James's best friend in the Idaho Falls temple. Talk about extreme cold. . . I thought we were all going to die while taking pictures outside. Actually it was a beautiful sunny day, but so stinkin cold. Anyway, it took me a long time to thaw from that. It was fun to be able to attend the temple though and I'm always excited to go to sealings. Nothing like being reminded of how wonderful and eternal your marriage is.
After our stay in Logan we headed to West Point to spend a few days with Lance and his family. On our last day we met up with James's sisters Michelle, Jen, Cami and their fams. We went sledding. This was a first for Brody and he absolutely loved it. He laughed the whole way down and wanted to keep going. He didn't however like the snow he got in his face when he did a face plant. I think that was a shock to his system!! After sledding we had a fantastic lunch and visited for awhile then it was off to the airport and home.
I want to thank everyone for letting us stay with them and for spoiling us rotten. Poor James never ate so good in his life as he did that week. He is going through withdrawals. . . so thanks for that!! : ) We loved seeing everyone and Brody had a blast with his cousins. Our families are the best and I am so grateful to be a part of them. Thanks again for everything.

Trudging up the hill.

Brody all bundled up to go sledding!

Utah Trip

Sledding with cousins!

James teaches Brody how to make a snowball.

Brody all bundled up to play.