Monday, December 7, 2009

Zach 4 mo.

Zach is such a cutie what can I say. My little boy is growing up way to fast. He had his 4 mo. check-up and weighed 14lbs 8 oz and was 25 1/2 in long. He had to get 3 shots and didn't like that at all, but he was a trooper and didn't cry for long. Zach has the cutest smile and shows it to most people. He always has to have something in his mouth whether it be a toy, blanket, or his fingers as long as it isn't a binky. He tries to grab at everything in reach and it's so fun to watch his face when he grabs my nose or mouth. He's got super strong legs and is always kicking which is hilarious in the bath, but gets me all wet. We tried cereal for the first time this week, but he didn't seem to like it with the face he made so maybe we will try again when he is 5 mo. We love having him in our family and Brody is super cute with him now. He is always concerned when he cries and asks him whats wrong. Brody is interacting with him a little more and wants to hold him, but only for a second. I love it!! I can't wait until I can actually get a picture of them together. Such a proud mom!

Checking out his rings.

He always has to have something in his mouth.


Hayden Funny Farm said...

Cute pics! I love when you have new posts. You need to do it more. I'm sure you have tons of free time with two boys! JK-Miss ya!

Camey said...

Super cute pictures, especially your family one!

Krystell said...

I love your fam pics!! So cute. And I love your hair. way fun!!